Although I am not typically a Monday fan, this Monday, I kinda like it. It's a three day work week, then a feast on thursday, and possibly a day off on Friday. This monday feels especially kind.
I have always dreamt of the days when I would be a wife and eagerly await those "firsts". And, although some of my 'firsts' didn't happen the way I expected, some of the 'firsts' we are experiencing are breath taking. Here are just a few of the 'firsts' that I am extremely thankful for:
-First kiss as husband and wife.
- First load of laundry with his and hers all smooshed together.
- First disagreement on where to place canned goods in the home.
- First babies, and first losses.
My favorites so far:
- The purchase of a first christmas tree and few decorations that might soon come to be a tradition.
- First time shutting off all the lights and sitting in complete contentment gazing at a tree that resembles what our little family is/was/or will be like.
- This cutie (below) is the first to leave tiny little handprints and kissy faces on our window.
I could go on and on with the firsts we have had, and all the firsts that are to come. However, I am even more grateful that the firsts will never fade. That as we grow and walk in the direction the Lord leads us, it will all be firsts. It will be fun, and exciting, and at times I am certain it will be scary.
Psalm 62: 8
Trust in Him at all times, O people;
pour out your heart before him;
God is a refuge for us.
The more I process and press into my relationship with Jesus the more aware I become of the honor it is to have the opportunity to trust in Him. I am also made more aware of what a blessing it is that He is allowing me the excitement to eagerly look forward to many "firsts". With out Him, I am not sure any of this stuff would be as great as it is. With out Him, I am certain that I would have nothing to look forward to as well. Only He is the one who breathes life into my dreams and desires. Without it, they are nothing.
Philippians 4:13
I can do all things THROUGH Christ
who strengthens me.
If I am not in Christ, I have no strength. This is been made very clear to me lately as I have been refined by fire. If I have no strength, I cannot do the things that were planned for me well before I was even born. Without Him, my plans, my ambitions, my hopes and dreams are dead. They may be well thought and precisely planned, but I cannot accomplish a thing without the life breathing, dream fulfiller Father that I so desperately need. Because I have Him in me, and have hope that His plans for me are good, I can look forward to all these things. I know that because I am in Him, that my dreams won't return as void. I know that because I am in Him, He will give me the joy and the hope to eagerly anticipate the things to come to be, and the things that come to pass.
I am so thankful to have Him in me, and so thankful I am able to hide myself in Him. I am so thankful that I am His and belong to Him alone.
1. Pleased and relieved.
2. Expressing gratitude and relief.
I find it rather amusing that the word Relieved is used in the definition of thankful. But, to me it makes perfect sense. I am so relieved that I do not have to carry the burdens of this world, and that I have a savior who loves me soo much He chose to carry it for me. I am relieved that He is in control and sovereign. Living a life of thankfulness, gratitude and relievement is a beautiful expression of worship. An act of worship that I plan to invest in.
1 Thessalonians 5:18
Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
Psalm 100
Shout for Joy to the Lord, all the earth.
Worship the Lord with gladness; come before Him with joyful songs.
Know that the Lord is God.
It is He who made us, and we are His.
We are His people, the sheep of His pasture.
Enter His gates with thanksgiving and
His courts with praise;
give thanks to Him and praise His name.
For the Lord is good and His love endures forever,
His faithfulness continues through all generations.