Let me start this by saying my sister is amazing. She has two kiddo's and her own business as a Fitness coach. She maintains probably one of the healthiest diets I've ever heard of and she loves to experiment in the kitchen. Okay, well we both do, but she has a more time to actually come up with great recipes. If you remember, quite some time ago, I featured her story about why she does what she does and who she is!
You can read it here.
If you are ever interested in new meals loaded with nutrients you NEED to go check out her new blog she just started. Also, just go show her some LOVE. So when I asked her to write a little somethin' somethin' for me she whipped up something new and a sweet tasty treat for all of you!
Go visit her at
PUMPKIN everything!
It's that time of the year! Lattes, scones, muffins, breads..... Anything you can think of made into PUMPKIN.
Heading into fall can be so pretty and it just screams cuddles, warm drinks, and adorable clothes. Right?! Although, with that also comes the hustle of getting kids back into school, prepping for the holidays, and BEST YET.... Football season. Parties everywhere. Which Reminds me.. with parties and the abundance of food,
some most people come out the other end of fall and winter into spring with an extra amount of unwanted weight gain! This year for myself I've vowed to not gain a single unwanted pound of fluff! I'm constantly hosting support and accountability groups, FOR THIS VERY REASON! It's only natural for me to make sure you know you are always welcome into these groups! Accountability= more results and success! The programs are fool proof and they work! I wouldn't be where I am without them! So consider your self
invited and you can join
here. Just be sure to leave a comment, or connect with me on

Okay, okay I'm sure you're dying to know how to make this delish dish! I tasted it this morning, and it's like heaven! It would go amazing on toast, Ezekiel bread, bagels, or even make a YUMMY filler for homemade cinnamon rolls with a coconut cream frosting all over the top!
Here's what you'll need:
3/4 cup Raw Almonds
3/4 cup Raw Halved Pecans
1 cup Pure Pumpkin
3 tsp Coconut Sugar
1 1/2 tbsp Coconut Oil
1 tsp Vanilla Extract
1. Preheat your oven to 375*. Once heated, roast your almonds and pecans for about 8-10 mins. Careful not to burn them. Let cool for 5 mins.
2. In a blender or food processor blend up the nuts until they are becoming gooey like a paste.
3. Add in the remainder of the ingredients, and blend until smooth. (about 2 mins or so)
4. Thoroughly enjoy!